Saturday, September 18, 2010

Event Horizon Review


A sci-fi horror in tradition with it's predecessors such as the Alien series and Sphere. After losing contact with the deep space ship called Event Horizon 7 years prior when it was lost through a black hole, the crew of the S.S. Lewis and Clark find themselves investigating the remains of the same ship in order to find out what had happened. At first what appears to be empty and no sign of personnel the crew soon realize the Event Horizon has not only been to the far reaches of the universe but has not come back alone. Though in many ways shares a similar story to the 2002 film Solaris, Event Horizon is much easier to follow and is extremely more graphic and gory to it's extreme. The pacing is a bit choppy at first but seems to even out in the middle and then overdoes itself in the final act. Acting performances by both Laurence Fishburne (Matrix) and Sam Neil (Jurassic Park) are wonderful for what material they are working with. The story itself is fine and fun for a good popcorn horror.

Event Horizon though predictable and overdoes itself in many ways is not a bad film and is rather enjoyable for its case, I however will say it is a film that you have to be in the mood for and with appropriate audience. Visually striking and excellent makeup Director Paul Anderson has much potential to making a better piece in the future. 

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