Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Hurt Locker Review


An edge of your seat intense drama that will bring you to your knees with fear, sadness, respect, and joy. Winner of 6 Oscars including Best picture and Best Director Katherine Bigelow The Hurt Locker tells the story of and elite Army Bomb squad and the terrors of war they encounter together. Bigelow masterfully sets the stage making one feel they are in the middle of everything and experiencing the emotions of war at first hand. The acting was magnificent, the effects were amazing and at times disturbingly realistic. The story keeps you wanting to see more and more it keeps itself well balanced between the pros and cons against Iraq but more focuses on the addiction and rush an American soldier might get during his time of duty. You see the maturity one also gains through going through such experiences. I enjoyed much of this film, it left a cathartic sense with me as to how real this conflict really is and how I found I could easily connect with either one of the three main characters.

With it's magnificent story telling, brilliant acting, and masterful directing the Hurt Locker leaves nothing to fault bringing it up there with other great war drama films such as Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, and We Were Soldiers.

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